1. You can have results or excuses. Not both. ▶ 결과를 내거나 변명을 하거나 둘 중 하나다. 2. I've heard all my life that 'this is impossible, you can't make' it and 'you're going to fail' but I didn't listen to them and I made it. ▶ 저는 평생토록 “이건 불가능해. 너는 해내지 못할 거야. 끝내 실패하고 말 거야.”라는 말을 듣고 살아왔어요. 하지만 그 사람들의 말을 듣지 않았고 결국 해냈어요. 3. Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into..